Really increase the thickness of the penis in various ways

Some men are not satisfied with the parameters of the penis and want to make the penis thicker. Desire is very natural, because a penis that is not stubby can not fully satisfy a woman. At the same time, not everyone knows how to do this, how to significantly increase the thickness of the penis.

After expressing such a desire, many representatives of the strong do not know how to enlarge the penis, although there are many different methods.

Penis enlargement

In the beginning, it was necessary to make reservations that increasing the thickness of the penis is much more difficult than making it longer.

The problem of how to really increase the thickness of the penis can be solved through surgical and non-surgical methods.

Surgical method

Surgical increase in penis thickness

This method is fraught with considerable risks, but it is essentially the most effective. With their help, you can make your penis thicker and achieve long-lasting results.

Of course, the problems related to how to increase the thickness of the penis can be solved by surgery, but this solution is full of many shortcomings:

  • The duration of the recovery period.
  • Side effects are very likely to occur.
  • Before operation, a lot of tests need to be passed.
  • The surgical technique is complicated.

The following surgical techniques can be used to increase the thickness of the penis:

Expert advice for penis thickening
  1. Fat filling.The thick genitals are obtained by transplanting their own fat tissue. The place where the material is sampled is the problem area. After that, it was injected into the penis. The rejection rate of this method is very low because it uses its own resources. The thickening process is also accompanied by many disadvantages. Subcutaneous fat has the ability to absorb spontaneously. Over time, fat masses may appear under the skin of the penis. After the operation, the organ is in a state of edema for a long time, so it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse.
  2. Muscle transplantation.The recovery period can be up to 8 months. The site where the graft is removed will leave a scar. But the effect is lifelong, which is its indisputable advantage. It takes a long time to prepare for the operation. This takes an average of one year. The feeding place is the printing press. It is wrapped around the sponge.
  3. "Perovic".In the ranking of complexity, such an operation ranks first. All the tissues of the reproductive organs are separated and cartilage is implanted between them. This technique can not only increase the volume, but also perform shape correction.

The disadvantages of this technique are the following:

Rehabilitation after Penis Thickening Surgery
  • Sensitivity disappeared;
  • Disappearance of erection;
  • The development of the inflammatory process is possible;
  • Do not rule out situations related to tissue rejection;
  • The development of gangrene;
  • The tissue may not heal properly;
  • Scars may form.

The recovery period can be as long as one year.

Important!During the recovery period, all medical prescriptions need to be strictly followed. Otherwise, side effects may occur.

Sometimes they will implant a ball under the skin of the penis. They are made of hypoallergenic materials. But this process is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Therefore, before implementation, it is necessary to consult experts to understand the feasibility and possibility of its implementation.

Non-invasive method

You can get certain positive results without resorting to surgery. The diameter of the penis can be increased by non-surgical methods without causing any special health hazards. Penis thickening technique can be done at home.

The following options apply:

Expander for increasing the thickness of the penis
  • Carry out massages and various exercises.Through the massage technique, the erection is strengthened and the cavernous body expands. Different exercises can produce the same effect. All of this will definitely cause the diameter of the organ to increase over time. However, massage and exercise also have certain disadvantages. They include the possibility of causing damage to organs. But despite this, exercise can achieve sustainable results in increasing penis volume.
  • Extender.This is a device that can increase the thickness and length of the penis without surgery. This effect is achieved due to the constant stretching of the tissues, which stimulates their growth. As a result, the volume of the organ will also change. But you should not expect fast results. Wearing it should be long-term, but the result will definitely be.
  • Use of vacuum pump.This is also one of the means to increase masculinity. Its principle of action is related to alternating pressure. The container of the penis is a light bulb that generates negative pressure by pumping air into it. As a result, blood rushes to the penis. This leads to improved blood flow to the pelvic organs. Therefore, the phenomenon related to blood stagnation is eliminated.

Indications for using a vacuum pump

It is recommended to use in the following situations:

Vacuum pump for increasing the thickness of the penis
  • Feeling lack of brightness during sexual pleasure;
  • Lack of erection;
  • Congestion of the genitals and pelvic area.

If you use it often, you can get good results. If you use ointment and gel at the same time, you can get a greater effect.

Use ointments and creams. Their effect is based on the effect of local stimuli. Where they are applied, blood flow increases. The effect can be seen immediately after application. Their application has achieved good results. The erection becomes stronger and the sensation during intercourse increases.

Use of drugs. Penis enlargement pills have achieved some success. Various drugs are used for such purposes. They all have similar mechanisms of action, including dilating blood vessels in the penis. Active vasodilation leads to increased capillary inflow. This leads to an increase in the size of the penis. Such drugs are widely promoted, but not all advertisements should be believed. Hormonal components may be included in the composition of such funds, or they may not be involved. The components of the non-hormonal group include various herbal components.

If a firm decision is made, everyone has the right to choose the method that most appeals to him. But before performing this operation, you need to carefully consider the desirability of this type of operation. In fact, sometimes self-esteem is clearly underestimated.